5 Copywriting Tips To Enhance Your Blog

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The Content Explosion

In the past years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the volume of content that is being published on a regular basis. While this means that more knowledge is being shared, it also means that you are up against more competition than ever before if you are looking to get your content found and read.

In fact, in December 2016, 73.9 million websites were released on WordPress alone. It’s estimated that over 2 billion sites are published online every day.

That’s a lot of content!

With so much new content flooding SERPs, creating well-written, highly valuable and thoroughly researched content is becoming more and more important.

To be able to rise over the sound and outrank your competitors, you’ll concentrate on creating premium quality content. If you or your marketing team excels at research, writing, optimizing, and publishing content, then you stand a better chance to rise above the tide of content out there. Orlando businesses need great copywriting to ensure they stay competitive and rank well in search engines!

Here are the top 5 tips you can use today to get your content found by search engines and increase the chances that your readers will love your information. These five tips will also help you increase conversions and grow your business!

1. Read Your Content Out Loud

Since your readers are interested in your products and services, then you should produce great content that reads well. Part of writing engaging content is to make sure that your online copy reads well and can direct your audience to convert.

Reading your content out loud helps you to pinpoint syntax and grammatical errors quickly. Additionally, reading your writing out loud will let you think about topics in new and exciting ways. As a result, your site could end up being more cohesive by adding needed transitions, pinpointing errors and shortening awkward or run-on sentences.

2. Keep An Eye On The Passive Voice

With so much online content, your readers know compelling copy that tells a story. The more interesting your content is, the more likely that your audience will like your brand, consume your content, and convert.

Active verbs immediately grab your reader’s attention and will help you clarify your thoughts and writing. If your company uses an active voice in your writing, you will also keep your sentences short and sweet. This is critical in a universe of ever-shortening attention spans.

3. Fact-Check Is Crucial

There is too much “fake news” and falsehoods in the world today, and your readers are sick of dealing with unlikely sources. This gives your company a great opportunity to stand out by providing high-quality, truthful content. As a result, your brand will be known as a source of integrity information, and you can leverage this reputation to grow your audience and drive more online sales.

Blogging can help by establishing your brand become a trusted source with your readership. Be sure to tie in the topic of discussion with the products and services your business offers so you can help drive more online sales. No matter what you write about, you should always source all information and supply up to date and pertinent research.

4. Avoid Jargon

There are too many companies that use jargon as a way to prove they are a thought leader and trusted source in their market. However, the truth is that when companies overuse jargon, they are only losing the attention of their readers and making their brand unapproachable.

Depending on your niche and target market, readers might not understand industry-specific words or phrases, or technical jargon confusing, and the reader is the fastest strategy to reduce their focus.

5. Cut The Fat

Your customers are busy, and they are being bombarded with more content than ever before. This means they have lower attention spans, so it is vital to do everything you can to ensure your content is read and understood. You should keep your content as concise as possible.

Ruthlessly editing your writing might allow you to maintain your content concentrated. While marketers and business owners, among other professionals, may not possess the resources to stick to each of those copywriting practices, the worthiness of premium quality content can’t be stressed enough.

Readers value quality over quantity, and a well-written blog post will ensure they hang on to your every word and return for more – transferring them closer toward a conversion with each new post.

Putting Your Content To Work For Your Business

Now that you have a few tips to enhance your blog, you can begin reaching and converting your customers with a great blog. If you are interested in learning more about how to convert readers using organic SEO then be sure to check out our SEO Meetup. We provide real-time feedback for local businesses.

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